
Healthy Eating For Tradesmen

The job of a tradesman is a physically demanding one. Most have early starts and the days are long, with the average being between anywhere from ten to twelve hours. Majority of the day is spent on your feet, carrying building materials around, coupled with that you are often working outside facing the elements. With all this in mind, it comes as no surprise that eating properly during the working day can be a challenge.

Here are some of the common problems tradesmen face when it comes to healthy eating.


Problem 1: Too busy, so don’t have time to eat

In a typical workday there are lots of tasks to be done. Very often things don’t go as planned on site, something might come up which needs your urgent attention, and so you end up skipping lunch and not taking any breaks. You often find that the day goes by and you haven’t had time to eat.


Problem 2: Making unhealthy choices

You don’t have time to go and shop for lunch, so you have to eat what is available on site, even if the choices might not always be the healthiest.


Problem 3: No food on site

You are on a site that has no food, and there is nothing near by.


To function properly on site, you to have eat well in order to fuel the body with enough energy for the day. Not getting enough food will mean you are more likely to get tired later in the day, which can affect your concentration levels. So here are a few things you can do to improve your eating habits while working as a tradesman.


Solution 1: Bring your own food to work

If you know ahead of time that that your days are always busy, then take some time when you are off work to plan your meals for the week. This is the best way to take control of your eating.

Search for a few ideas online, then make a shopping list. Choose simple nutritious foods that are easy to prepare. Try to include lots of vegetables. Prepare your meals the night before. If you are really pressed for time, then another option is to take left overs from dinner for lunch the next day. Also invest in a lunch box so you can take both hot and cold food.


Solution 2: Eat a good breakfast

Having a good breakfast sets you up for the day ahead. Try to go for some form of wholegrain such as oats, to keep your energy levels up throughout the morning day.


Solution 3: Keep healthy snacks

Be sure to include some healthy snacks that you can eat on the go, to boost your energy levels between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. Fruits and mixed nuts are a great example. If you are really pressed for time then consider taking some form of health shake that you can mix with water to drink.


Solution 4: Drink plenty of fluids

As you work you are losing water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to a loss of performance, so to keep you hydrated, it is important to drink lots of fluids.

A good idea is to carry a few bottles of water, or a flask is also a good idea as you can keep cold drinks in it in the summer and hot ones in the winter.


Eating well does not have to be difficult, even for busy tradesmen. The benefit of doing so means that you will have more energy and so you can be more productive at work. By getting prepared ahead of time you can find a way to eat healthy without disrupting your workday.



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